Heroes of our time

December 9, Heroes of the Fatherland Day in the Metropolitan Stadium Live held a youth Convention "Heroes of our time", in which young people discussed the present and future of Russia with politicians, representatives of business, culture and sports. The main message of this event was the fact that the heroes of our time among us, these are people who professionally do their work for the good of our country. With the participants of the Convention met those to whom they would like to be like: people calling who have achieved in life is not just serious and dramatic success - athletes, astronauts, politicians, successful businessmen, journalists and other Discussions on various topics were held on specialized thematic arenas: informational, cultural, historical, political, economic and sports. Among the experts - the best of the best in their profession. However, the work of the Convention was not limited to interesting discussions - some of the guys gladly painted traditional Russian nesting dolls, and the other conquered "peaks" on a stylized mountain for climbers, the audience curiously studied painting and products with images of the leader of Russia Vladimir Putin and photographed on their background. For lovers of a healthy lifestyle worked Playground with simulators and ring.