Assembly Balls of ÕÕI century

After three centuries in Russia with new force fanfares of kind holidays of an epoch of Peter the Great sound. For the first time in history already modern Russia the First Petrovsky assembly of the XXI-st century which has passed in December in the Moscow Gostini dvor has taken place.

The XXI-st century assembly was spent by fund "Best managers of a new epoch" - the founder of the higher public awards of Russia - Peter the Great awards (2001ã.), the National award of a name of Peter the Great (1999), and also the international award "Gold steering wheel" (2000). The higher officials of the state, head of subjects of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries, mayors of cities have been invited To Petrovsky celebrations in Moscow.

The assembly culmination became ball in honor of gentlemen of an award, winners of national and international awards, the best managers of the country. Participants became witnesses of a beauty contest and charm on a rank "the Fine lady of assembly", demonstrations of collections of known fashion designers, performances of stars of a platform, theater and cinema, could take part in charitable auction. The first Petrovsky assembly of the third millenium has come to the end with celebratory fireworks and salute.